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Green Cabbage | Whole or Half Cut

Whole or 1/2 cut



Product details

Green Cabbage is often associated with the infamous cabbage soup diet, but this crisp, inexpensive, and versatile veggie can be used in many recipes and add crunch and color to salads and sandwiches. Cabbage provides fiber and other nutrients like potassium and vitamin K, making it a great complement to a healthy lifestyle.

Cabbage Nutrition Facts

The below information is for one cup of raw, chopped cabbage (89g). This cabbage nutrition information is provided by the USDA.1

  • Calories: 22
  • Fat: 0.1g
  • Sodium: 16mg
  • Carbohydrates: 5.2g
  • Fiber: 2.2g
  • Sugars: 2.9g
  • Protein: 1.1g
  • Potassium: 151mg
  • Folate: 38.3mcg
  • Vitamin K: 67.6mcg
  • Vitamin C: 32.6mg


A cup of green cabbage has just over 5 grams of carbohydrate, with about 50% coming from fiber and 50% from natural sugars. Cabbage has a very low glycemic index of 10.2

Keep in mind that glycemic index (GI) is based on consuming foods alone without any other food in the meal. Adding other foods with protein, fiber, and fat will drastically impact the glycemic effect. Protein, fat, and fiber slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream.3


Cabbage is basically a fat-free food. There is less than one gram in a single one-cup serving.


There’s 1 gram of protein in a cup of raw cabbage. Cabbage is not a significant protein source.

Vitamins and Minerals

Cabbage is a good source of potassium, folate, and vitamin K. Cabbage also provides some calcium, iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C.


Cabbage is a low-calorie food, providing just 22 calories per cup, chopped.


Cabbage is a low-calorie, nearly fat-free food that is a good source of potassium, folate, and vitamin K. It provides fiber but is not a significant source of protein.

Health Benefits

Cabbage is a nutritious vegetable that can boost your body’s natural defenses against disease. Here are some areas where cabbage is especially helpful.

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