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Andrew’s Choice Chilli ‘n Cheese Gluten Free

GLUTEN FREE – Meraki (may-rah-kee), is a Greek word that means to do something with soul, creativity or love; to put something of yourself into your work. To do something with passion, with absolute devotion, with undivided attention. No matter the task, it is done with all your effort and enthusiasm. It is done with all your heart… a true labour of love.

Drawing on his Greek roots, Andrew has woven meraki into his everyday life, taking great pride in producing our range of artisan small goods. His passion and dedication to doing what he loves each and every day has made meraki the core philosophy of our brand.


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Product details


Australian pig farmers raise and produce some of the finest pork on the planet! We genuinely believe that you cannot create outstanding charcuterie if you don’t start with the best quality ingredients. Our partnership with local farmers is integral, which is why we are as picky about our farmers as we are about our pigs. We select farmers who share our beliefs and understand that the best tasting meat comes from happy animals that are raised sustainably. When it comes to the pigs, we procure only the finest hand-selected female pigs to ensure a delicate aroma and sweetness in all our smallgoods.

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♦ Melbourne Metro and Outer Area for orders over $39.95 within postcode zones for free delivery.

♦ Regional Victorian Areas 

Orders will incur a flat delivery fee of $25 within specified Postcode zones.